About Us

Provincial Council

Rick Ryan
Provincial Commissioner
email: mighty70th@yahoo.com

General Inquiries

The BP Service Association is a Registered Charity with the Canada Revenue Agency.
For information on donating to charities such as ours, please visit

BPSA-AB is not affiliated with, nor part of Scouts Canada or any other WOSM organization.
We are proud members of the World Federation of Independent Scouts (WFIS)
BPSA is a Licensed Trademark owned by the BP Service Association.

About Us

We are an independent scouting association affiliated with many other Baden-Powell Scout Associations around the world, and with other BPSA groups in Canada and the World Federation of Independent Scouts (WFIS). We were established to promote the principles, methods and practices of Scouting as originally laid down by Lord Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of scouting.

A Promise and Law, age appropriate, assist youth in learning by doing. We offer a progressive and stimulating program of varied activities based on the interests of the participants, largely in an outdoor setting in contact with nature.

Since the founding of the Scouting Movement it has spread around the world like a brush fire. Today there are only a handful of countries where Scouting is not being practiced to some degree. The principles and methods of Scouting are so fundamentally sound and so adaptable that traditional scouting goes on developing and can never be dated or unsuited to any community.

The Aim of our Association is, as stated by B-P himself, to promote good citizenship and wholesome physical, mental development; and training in habits of observation, discipline, self-reliance, loyalty, and useful life skills.

We are proud as an Association to be upholding Lord Baden-Powell’s Scouting ideals and his original programs, proving that his planning and foresight still holds true today. We preserve Lord Baden-Powell’s original ideas in our programs and methods as much as possible, while progressing with the times and keeping up to date with the very latest technology, child protection, legislation, first aid standards, and safety in outdoor education.

BPSA-AB believes that true traditional Scouting should be available to all, at a cost affordable to all, and therefore we do all we can to keep the cost of traditional Scouting within the means of Alberta youth and families from all walks of life.

This association lives by B.-P.’s original Scout Law. B.-P.’s 4th Scout Law reads:

A Scout is a friend to all and a brother to every other Scout

In keeping with the Scout Law, our Association has a policy of goodwill and co-operation with any other Scouting organization of like minded intent, whether in Canada or abroad. BPSA – AB is a proud member of the World Federation of Independent Scouts (WFIS). We work in co-operation with many of the other independent Scouting Associations.